The Empty Tomb

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The empty tomb ..He has risen.


  • White construction paper
  • Tan construction paper
  • He is Risen background (Pattern)
  • He is Risen tomb (Pattern)
  • He is Risen boulder (Pattern)
  • He is Risen tree (Pattern)
  • Crayons
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Paper fastener


  1. Print the background and tree patterns on white construction paper.
  2. Print the tomb and boulder on tan construction paper.
  3. Color the background; Color the sun yellow, make a horizon line at the bottom and color the ground brown and green. Color the sky sun rise colors of blue, yellow, red, lavender.  Color the area containing the writing a darker color, I added a darker blue.
  4. Cut out the tomb. Following one of the black lines leading into the tomb opening, cut out the opening. The writing on the background will be seen in the opening when the tomb is glued to the background.
  5. Color and cut out the tree. Glue to the left side of the tomb. Draw some leaves on the tree and color them green.
  6. Cut out the boulder. Make a small hole through the dot. Lay the boulder over the opening in the tomb so it covers up the opening. Make a dot on the tomb to match the hole in the boulder.
  7. Using the paper fastener, thread it through the boulder and the tomb and spread the prongs. Open the tomb to show the writing within.

Easter Projects Gallery:


7 Responses to The Empty Tomb

  1. GlitterQueen says:

    Thank you for your comment, Debbie. I’m so happy to hear that folks are using the projects on Kids & Glitter.

  2. Debbie Sauntman says:

    Just want to say thank you for providing us with an excellent craft to portray our Lord’s death and resurrection. In the past I have used paper plates – wasn’t to excited about that. I love your craft! I am quite sure my 4 year olds will love it as well! Happy Easter & God Bless You!

  3. Karen J. says:

    I needed a craft project for my first grade Sunday school class on the Empty Tomb. As luck would have it, I just came across your website and found this one! It is great! I am probably the least crafty person I know, but I can do this project with the kids. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for sharing it!! I can’t wait to check out the rest of your website!

  4. Pingback: Sunday School Crafts for Jesus Raises Lazarus

  5. Laura Herrick says:

    Hello – Thank you soooo much for allowing me to use this pattern (s) in my class and share the GOOD NEWS!!!
    I was able to print the patterns off from the Google Images link!
    I really appreciate that you broke it down and made it avaliable!
    thank you again!
    God’s Blessings

  6. GlitterQueen says:

    Please send me your e-mail address and I’ll send the patterns to you via attachments. Sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting the pattern. My e-mail address is under the Contact me tab in the header. Loraine

  7. Dana Stempnik says:

    I am not able to get the pattern for this. I would really love to get it for my 2nd grade class this year. Thank you so much.

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