Follow the Star Countdown

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You know that from now until Christmas the kids are going to ask, many times, “How many days ’til Christmas?” Help them make a countdown calendar like this one so they can see how many days are left. The star is the pointer that, on the 25th of December, shines down on the Baby Jesus. Since many families want their children to recognize the real reason that we celebrate Christmas, this countdown calendar counts the days until the Christ Child is born.

I printed the patterns on card stock and then used crayons for the background of the sign and the calendar. I used colored pencils to color the baby Jesus, the angels and the star. If you want to add the gold glitter, using gold glitter glue, do that and let it dry before assembling the star pointer to the calendar.


  • White card stock
  • Countdown calendar (Pattern)
  • Countdown Jesus and star (Pattern)
  • Crayons, colored pencils or colored markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue Stick
  • Glitter chenille strip
  • Darning needle, or something small, to make holes in the pointer and the calendar
  • Paper fastener
  • Gold glitter glue


  1. Print the patterns on white cardstock.
  2. Color the background of the calendar and the sign. Use colored pencils to color the Baby Jesus, the angels and the star.
  3. Carefully cut out the round calendar and sign. Cut out the Baby Jesus and the star.
  4. Glue the baby image to the bottom half of the circle. If adding gold glitter glue, do that now before assembling the calendar. I applied glitter glue to the star and it’s rays, Jesus and the angels halos, and added dots for stars on the background of the calendar.
  5. When the glue is dry, make small holes in the center of the calendar and the end of the star pointer. Attach the star pointer with the paper fastener.Make small holes on the top corners of the sign and attach the ends of the chenille strip, for hanging.

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  1. Pingback: Christmas Nativity ~ Advent | Paper Gifts for Estefany

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