Love Bugs

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Beware you’re going to get bitten by the “Love Bug.” The sight of these little bugs makes you want to giggle and make a ton of them. If you were going to have a Valentine party, they would be perfect little name cards to gift your guests with. This week the 3rd Grade are going to be making these. It takes one sheet of construction paper per bug and I plan on each student getting three sheets of different colors. This way if they want to mix and match they can. The pattern doesn’t include teeth, fangs, eyes, hearts or designs. We should get lots of unique bugs!! And they stand alone.





  • Colored construction paper 
  • Love Bug (Pattern) 
  • Scissors 
  • Black Sharpie
  • Google eyes (assorted sizes)
  • Scraps of paper 
  • Glue stick


  1. Cut out all the pieces of the Love Bug.
  2. Fold the circle with the fold line and glue it to one of the other circles. This makes an open mouth.
  3. Fold the legs/feet and glue the front feet to the back of the circle with the open mouth. The feet with the flat edge is the back feet.
  4. Glue the arms to the back of the same circle. Then glue the remaining circle to cover the back.
  5. Now let your imagine go—-glue on google eyes or draw them on or cut eyes out of scrap paper and glue them on. Add teeth or fangs cut from scraps. Add cut or drawn on hearts. Write a message in the mouth or on the back.

Valentine’s Day Projects Gallery:


2 Responses to Love Bugs

  1. GlitterQueen says:

    Thanks Maizie for your comment. We had a great time making these, as you can tell by the pictures taken during class. How about all those eyes!!!!

  2. Maizie Christensen says:

    i love it

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