Tropical Calendar Fish

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Beautiful tropical fish with fins and scales of calendar color and shine.


  • White construction paper with fish shape printed on it (Pattern)
  • Calendar picture pages (one for each student)
  • Colored markers
  • Blue chalk
  • Kleenex
  • Glue stick
  • White glue
  • Iridescent glitter


  1. Using colored marker, color the fish face.
  2. Tear the calendar picture into fish scale sized pieces.
  3. Glue the pieces on the fish, starting at the tail and working forward.
  4. Using the blue chalk, color in the background for water. Blend and clean off extra chalk dust with Keenex.
  5. Outline scales with white glue and sprinkle on glitter.

1st Grade Project Gallery:


2 Responses to Tropical Calendar Fish

  1. GlitterQueen says:

    I appreciate your comments. Thanks for visiting and please come again.

  2. Vivian Lammers says:

    Your site is very attractive. Ready for Google search……

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