This lesson is one using primary colors, perspective, and expressions. A quick, easy lesson on drawing frogs can be found at ” HOW TO DRAW FUNNY CARTOONS.”
- Scrap paper to practice on
- White construction paper
- Pencil
- Black marker
- Crayons
- Practice drawing frogs. Only use a few minutes on this, individual design is key.
- With perspective in mind, draw three lines across the paper. The longest one near the bottom of the page and the shortest one about half way up. Draw a midsized line between them. The perspective rule being: the closer the object, the larger and nearer the bottom of the page. The farther away something is, the smaller it appears and closer to the top of the page.
- Draw three frogs on the lines. Show expressions by changing the curve of the mouth and direction of the eyes.
- Add lily pads, water, rocks, sun and waves.
- Trace over the pencil lines with black marker.
- Color the frogs using the primary colors: Color one blue, one red and one green. Color the sun yellow.
- Finish coloring the lily pads, water, rocks, sky, etc.
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